Advice on Airport X-Ray Scanners
With the introduction in recent years of new CT type X-ray machines in major airports, caution must be taken when travelling with film.
It is still perfectly ok to fly with unprocessed photographic film, however, precautions must be taken to avoid damage from the newer X-Ray CT devices employed by airport security.
- Always take unprocessed photographic film in hand luggage and never pack in baggage that will be checked into the aircraft hold.
- It is advised to carry all photographic film in clear plastic re-sealable bags and to request hand inspection where CT X-ray scanners are in use. Operators of CT X-ray equipment should be trained to allow hand inspections for Photographic film.
- Where old type X-ray scanners are employed, these are normally perfectly safe for all films below ISO 800, so there is no need to have these hand inspected unless you have faster film e.g. ILFORD Delta 3200.
- You may wish to contact the airport in advance to check their requirements for travelling with film.
Some more detailed information can be found on the Imaging and Printing Association (I&P Europe) website.
Travelling with Film - I&P Europe Website (External Link)